Citizen ATX
The Citizen ATX podcast exists to provide practical conversations about what it means to live as a dual citizen in Austin, Tx. Each episode will focus on a cultural topic, with the aim of helping believers learn how to engage their citizenship on earth while not compromising their true citizenship in heaven (Philippians 3:20). Listen as Jonathan Spencer, Matt Gillum and special guests help you navigate through the tensions of a dual citizen’s life. For more information visit www.austinbaptistchurch.com.
138 episodes
After God's Heart: Trusting in God
Does anyone remember the movie Jungle Book? (I am of-course referring to the better made cartoon version from the 90's). Every time I think of someone getting another person to trust them I can't help but think of Kaa

After God's Heart: Cave Prayers
Any spelunkers out there? There are two types of people when it comes to caves; Those that find them scary and those that find them fascinating. I think it is safe to say that David was more of the first type of person. He didn't like caves ver...

After God's Heart: True Friendship
"You've got a friend in me. Oh you've got a friend in me!" I can't help but think of this song when I read about Jonathan and David's friendship. Maybe you had a great friend that you think of who was more of a best friend. Jonathan and David w...

After God's Heart: The Danger of Comparison
Comparison is a hard topic these days. We tend to compare ourselves to others often. Jealousy is running rampant in our culture as it has for all of time. It is hard for us to root for someones success amidst our own failures. Especially when o...

After God's Heart: Facing the Giants
How many times in life have you felt as if you have to over come a giant in order to do what God has called you to? Did you trust God enough to stand in courage in the face of such a daunting task? How did David stand with so much courage when ...

After God's Heart: Purpose in the Pasture
How do we know if God has called us to a new purpose? What is the difference between calling and anointing? The story of Saul and David paints two separate reactions to calls from God. Join Matt, Jonathan, and Stephen as they discuss this passa...

After God's Heart: God's Eyes, God's Man
Many have probably heard David described as a "man after God's own heart". But what does it mean to seek after God's heart? What should I hold on to or give away in order to pursue God with all of my heart? Join Matt, Jonathan, and Stephen as t...

CitizenATX Retrospect 2024
We hope that you all have enjoyed listening to CitizenATX this year. Feel free to go back and listen to past episodes during the holiday season. Join Matt, Jonathan, and Stephen as they look to wrap up 2024 with one final episode of retrospecti...

Armor of God: Sword of the Spirit
Swords are known as one of the longest used weapons in the history of the world. Any soldier during biblical times would tell you that it is a death sentence to enter a battle without your sword. Why then would Christians go out of their way to...

Armor of God: Helmet of Salvation
Those that have played a sport with a helmet know how weird it can be to put on someone else's helmet. Even though technically the helmets are made the same way, a helmet has a way of fitting to our head that begins to get comfortable and helps...

Armor of God: Shield of Faith
"Thou O Lord, are a shield for me." As a kid growing up I never really understood what those words, in Psalm 3:3, really meant. How is God shielding us? It wasn't until I got older that I realized that faith is the shield in our life. The stron...

Armor of God: Shoes of the Gospel
There is no more important objective of the Church or the Dual Citizen, than to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ. However, to gain our footing in this objective we must first invest in the right footwear. Join Matt, Jonathan, and Stephen as t...

Armor of God: Breastplate of Righteousness
Have you ever played basketball with a guy who really had no offense, but was exceptional at defense? Sometimes he was worth having on the team solely to stop the other side from gaining any ground while we rallied for an upset. This is sort of...

Armor of God: Belt of Truth
What is true? Do we even know anymore? It just so happens that biblical truth is unchanging. No matter what the world tries to pass as truth, the Word of God is unwavering in its stance on the truth. This is why it is so crucial that the believ...

Armor of God: Teaser
The Armor of God is one of the most important concepts to understand on your walk with God. As we search to find our place as Dual Citizens, it is crucial that we rely on the Armor of God protect us and to give us confidence as we move forward ...

Future Church: Finance and Facilities
To think that we came all the way from people pouring tea in the harbor over a tea tax, to everyone paying taxes on the same money multiple times; is astonishing...but I digress... Churches are currently under fire for the tax breaks and benefi...

Future Church: Soul Care
If you have been around a church long enough, then you may have heard that church staff members often experience burnout from their role on staff. Pastors are pressed with the difficult responsibility to not only take care of their own spiritua...

Future Church: Worship
🎵"I'm coming back to the heart of worship, and it's all about you. It's all about you Jesus"🎵. When Matt Redman wrote those lyrics in 1998 they were considered a bold statement of faith in the beginning of a time of change in the Church. He was...

Future Church: GenZ
They have never lived in the world without smartphones, but they certainly know how to use technology better than the rest of us. Generation Z (GenZ for short) has been called the "hopeless generation", but they call themselves the "hopeful gen...

Future Church: Membership
There will likely be an increased population of people on earth in the future, but will there be an increased population of people in church in the future? Is the physical building of church going to be replaced? Find the answer to these questi...

Future Church: Technology
The future may be uncertain, but we know that the Lord has a plan and purpose for whatever may happen. Still it begs the question, what will the church look like in the future? Perhaps the biggest component to the future of the church is the in...

PreHeat: Heated Topics
How many times, in recent years, have you heard someone talk about how "divided" the country is? We hear about it nearly every day, but why is it that we seem so divided? How are we as Christians to respond to people who have different beliefs ...

PreHeat: Climate Change
For those that grew up in the 2000's, you probably remember movies like "The Day After Tomorrow", which dealt with the idea of climate change. Whether it be in the form of Global Cooling in the 60's or Global Warming in the 2000's, Climate Chan...